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Our Services


We all face adverse situations in our lives. We complain everything when things don’t happen the way we expect it to happen. Our ego begins to point fingers on others for the situation we face, presuming that ‘I’m right and all others are wrong’

Career Guidance

Everyone is unique with variable tastes and skill set. Yet interestingly, in our community we are offered limited options to choose when it comes to career. Do you actually think there are only fewer options out there? No not at all

Mental well-being

When is the last time you laughed out loud with tears of joy? How often you laugh or even smile. World Health Organization’s constitution states that "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity"

Relationship Management

We form some relationships out-of-choice and most others are bestowed upon us by birth. Whatever be, we would have entered a relationship with excitement and happiness and may be unprepared for difficulties that follow in a relationship.


Physical disability and functional limitation in a person is not a sin, it is a situation to be addressed. They are normal people with extraordinary senses and can have a wonderful life with a little help.

Meet the Immediate Needs

Our primary goal is to make happy-living a habit for everyone. To fulfill this, C-Park has extended its support all over Tamil Nadu in diverse formats to strengthen the less privileged people.

Our Activities

Life is a wonderful journey with many battles to fight. It is those battles that give life meaning. Some people may overcome it at ease, while some may struggle to survive. It is normal to be upset about something for a few hours or even days. But if the sadness or struggle prolongs for a longer period, then it is advisable to get someone’s support or external help.

Training is arranged to learn new sets of skills, develop creativity, and increase self-productivity. Similar to classroom learning, an expert teaches a group of learners and explains concepts that are needed to enhance a person’s performance and capability in the current competitive world.

Limelight Series is an additional service rendered as a give back to society – To find what we have lost. Gone are the days we laughed with families and neighbors, the touch with nature, the art of listening and storytelling. In short, we are lost to the world of technology. Our limelight series provides an opportunity to escape to the land of happiness.

In the olden days, even with a lack of technological interface relationships got nurtured, developed, and sustained. In the technologically developed era, global happenings are in hand yet we are in shortage of healthy relationship and confine ourselves in a circle. Recreation, lifestyle, work, privacy, and competencies demand our attention and set priorities in our life.

There are many social welfare organizations, social activists, television programs, and various social media platforms that emphasize the importance of a relationship. However, just like a coin that has two sides, these programs, and platforms influence and distract daily living. The outcome of such diversion results in depression, anxiety disorders, stress, and relationship problems to the worst devastating incidents.

Robert Frost wonderfully quoted, “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned in life – It goes on”.

We are here to utter these words deeply and emphasize that we all are here for a purpose. We are here to help people understand that obstacles are stepping stones and not the end of life. Our experts are to consult, counsel, guide, and motivate the needy with utmost confidence and sincerity. Many have turned their lives into a better way through counseling and therapies with C-Park.

So taking the cue of understanding the need in the society, we the members of C-Park, stand in solidarity to serve the needy. If you are in need or you know someone who needs hope, care, and support, you may contact us to grow beyond the barrier!

We are offering personalized confidential consultation services in an approachable environment without monetary demands. We provide you an opportunity to talk to experts, who may help you to find the One Thing – that may lead to happiness.

Our nation is gifted with people, natural resources, opportunities, and many positive environments that may provide peace to the mind, as well as, to the soul. Hence, we the like-minded people of C-Park have gathered together to dust the unwanted, strengthen the relationship, uplift the spirit as much as we could. We are ready to listen, speak, assist and develop those who are in need.

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